
(1. 长沙理工大学 水利与环境工程学院,湖南 长沙 410114;2. 洞庭湖水环境治理与生态修复湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410114;3. 湖南省洞庭湖水利事务中心,湖南 长沙 410007)



黄草(1985—)(ORCID:0000-0002-3299-8878),男,副教授,主要从事水资源配置和水资源管理方面的研究。E-mail: huangcao@csust.edu.cn




Analysis of water level variations during dry season and its impact on water supply of gate-pump system in northern Dongting Lake

(1.School of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410114,China; 2.Hunan Key Laboratory of Water Environment Treatment and Water Ecological Restoration in Dongting Lake, Changsha 410114,China; 3. Dongting Lake Water Conservancy Affairs Center of Hunan Province, Changsha 410007, China)

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    【目的】明确三峡工程运行后洞庭湖北部枯水期延长和枯水位下降对域内闸泵系统供水效率的不利影响,并评估洞庭湖北部分片补水二期工程建成后闸泵系统供水效率的恢复情况,为提出闸泵系统整改和新建方案,以及优化区域重大水资源配置工程规划提供决策依据。【方法】基于1988—2017年研究区主要水文/水位站的逐日水位数据,采用聚类分析、趋势检验等方法,研究三峡工程运行前后研究区枯水期持续时长及枯水位的变化趋势,对比分析洞庭湖北部分片补水二期工程建成前后各垸的水源结构、供水方式及闸泵供水效率的差异。【结果】在三峡工程运行后,研究区枯水期整体提前并延长1.4~13.7 d,枯水期平均水位下降约0.30~0.42 m;在分片补水二期工程实施后,不同供水水源的供水量将趋于均衡,平水年、枯水年和特枯年闸群的平均供水效率将分别提高2.8%、2.1%和12.9%,泵群的平均供水效率将分别下降74.2%、45.5%和47.3%。【结论】自三峡工程运行以来,研究区枯水期的水文情势发生了显著变化,分片补水二期工程的实施可较好地缓解区域缺水问题,建议后续可撤销该区域内低效闸泵,同时完善蓄水工程和跨垸调水工程。


    [Purposes] This paper aims to clarify the adverse effects of prolonged dry seasons and low water levels in northern Dongting Lake on the water supply efficiency of the gate-pump system within the area after the operation of the Three Gorges Project and evaluate the recovery of water supply efficiency of the gate-pump system after the completion of the second phase of the Zoned Water Refill Project in northern Dongting Lake, so as to provide a reference for the decision-making of the rectification and construction plan of the gate-pump system and the optimization of the regional major water resources allocation project planning. [Methods] Based on the daily water level data of main hydrological/water level stations in the study area from 1988 to 2017, cluster analysis and trend testing were used to study the duration and variation of low water levels during the dry season before and after the operation of the Three Gorges Project. The differences in water source structure, water supply types, and water supply efficiency of the gate-pump system of each embankment before and after the completion of the second phase of the Zoned Water Refill Project were compared. [Findings] After the operation of the Three Gorges Project, the dry season of the study area is advanced and extended by 1.4-13.7 d, and the average water level during the dry season decreases by about 0.30-0.42 m. After the implementation of the second phase of the Zoned Water Refill Project, the water supply of different water sources will be more balanced. The average water supply efficiency of the gate group increases by 2.8%, 2.1%, and 12.9% in normal, dry, and ultra-dry years, and the average water supply efficiency of the pump group decreases by 74.2%, 45.5%, and 47.3% respectively. [Conclusions] Since the operation of the Three Gorges project, the hydrological regime of the study area during the dry season has changed significantly. The implementation of the second phase of the Zoned Water Refill Project can alleviate the regional water shortage problem. It is suggested that the inefficient gate-pump system in the study area can be removed later, and the water storage project and cross-embankment water transfer project can be supplemented.


HUANG Cao, ZHOU Chuqi, YANG Yixin, et al. Analysis of water level variations during dry season and its impact on water supply of gate-pump system in northern Dongting Lake[J]. Journal of Changsha University of Science & Technology (Natural Science),2024,21(5):1-12.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-04-12
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-11-23
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