
(1.长沙理工大学 水利与环境工程学院,湖南 长沙 410114;2.长沙理工大学 洞庭湖水环境治理与生态修复湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410114;3.长沙理工大学 水沙科学与水灾害防治湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410114)



蒋昌波(1970—)(ORCID:0000-0003-1947-4831),男,教授,主要从事河流、海岸动力过程及其模拟技术方面的研究。E-mail: jiangchb@csust.edu.cn





Study on the migration distribution of microplastic in Dongting Lake based on Lagrangian particle model

(1.School of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410114, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Dongting Lake Aquatic Eco-Enyironmental Control and Restoration of Hunan Province, Changsha University of Science & Technology , Changsha 410114, China;3. Key Laboratory of Water-Sediment Sciences and Water Disaster Prevention of Hunan Province, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410114, China)

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    【目的】探究微塑料进入洞庭湖后的迁移途径和输运过程。【方法】基于现场采样数据,利用水动力模型与拉格朗日粒子模型建立洞庭湖微塑料迁移数值模型。研究微塑料在平水期与丰水期的湖内迁移规律与分布差异,探讨微塑料聚集区分布原因并解析聚集区微塑料的来源。【结果】在平水期微塑料分布呈现出显著的非均匀性分布,存在4个聚集区。其中,东洞庭常年水体处聚集区面积最大,约为133 km2,在此聚集区内湘江所排微塑料的占比为97.96%;在丰水期微塑料分布不呈现显著的聚集性,但其整体扩散面积较平水期的增大33%。对比分析微塑料随湘、资、沅、澧四水入湖情况,平水期自资江入湖微塑料的扩散面积最大,而丰水期自沅江入湖微塑料的扩散面积最大。【结论】丰水期应关注迁移路径上的生态风险,而平水期除关注微塑料的迁移路径外更应关注聚集区处的生态风险控制,应重点加强对湘江入湖微塑料的管控和对湘江河道、东洞庭常年水体与各排放源附近区域微塑料的治理。本研究结果可为洞庭湖微塑料治理提供一定参考。


    [Purposes] The paper aims to investigate the migration pathways and transport processes of microplastic after entering Dongting Lake. [Methods] Based on the field sampling data, the hydrodynamic model and the Lagrangian particle model were used to establish a numerical model of microplastic migration path and transportation in Dongting Lake. The differences in the migration pattern and distribution of microplastics in the lake between the water-stable period and the high water period are studied, and the reasons for the distribution of microplastic aggregation areas are explored and the sources of microplastics in the aggregation areas are analyzed.[Findings] The distribution of microplastics during the water-stable period showed significant non-uniform distribution, and there were four typical aggregation zones. Among them, the aggregation area at the East Dongting perennial water body is the largest, about 133 km2, and the proportion of microplastics discharged from Xiangjiang River in this aggregation area is 97.96%; the distribution of microplastics does not show significant aggregation during the high water period, but the overall diffusion area increases by 33% compared with that during the level water period. Comparative analysis of microplastics entering the lake with the four waters showed that the diffusion area of microplastics entering the lake from the Zijiang River was the largest during the water-stable period, while the diffusion area of microplastics entering the lake from the Yuan River was the largest during the high water period. [Conclusions] During the high water period, the ecological risk on the migration path should be paid attention to, while during the water-stable period, in addition to the migration path of microplastics, more attention should be paid to the ecological risk control at the aggregation area, and the focus should be on strengthening the control of microplastics entering the lake from Xiangjiang River and the management of microplastics in Xiangjiang River waterway, the perennial water body of Dongdongting, and the areas near the various sources of discharge. The results of this study can provide some reference for the management of microplastics in Dongting Lake.


DENG Guanying, JIANG Changbo, YIN Lingshi, et al. Study on the migration distribution of microplastic in Dongting Lake based on Lagrangian particle model[J]. Journal of Changsha University of Science & Technology (Natural Science),2023,20(4):105-116.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-06-16
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-09-26
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