
(1.长沙理工大学 水利与环境工程学院,湖南 长沙 410114;2.长沙理工大学 水沙科学与水灾害防治湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410114;3.长沙理工大学 洞庭湖水环境治理与生态修复湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410114)








Estimation of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus load in Datong Lake Basin based on soil loss equation

(1. School of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410114, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Water and Sediment Science and Water Disaster Control of Hunan Province, Changsha University of Science & Technology,Changsha 410114, China; 3. Hunan Key Laboratory of Water Environment Treatment and Water Ecological Restoration in Dongting Lake, Changsha University of Science & Technology,Changsha 410114, China)

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    【目的】大通湖的水质长期处于Ⅲ类及以下,其主要超标污染物为总氮和总磷,通过估算大通湖流域吸附态氮、磷污染负荷,为大通湖地区水污染治理和水环境保护提供科学依据。【方法】该研究采用修正通用土壤侵蚀方程,耦合吸附态氮、磷污染负荷模型估算研究区的吸附态氮、磷污染负荷,重点分析大通湖流域吸附态氮、磷污染的空间分布特征。【结果】模型计算结果表明:2020年,大通湖流域土壤侵蚀总量为4 804.8 t,平均土壤侵蚀模数为5.20 t/(km2·a),吸附态氮、磷的负荷量分别为4.943、2.098 t,对流域内各土地利用类型按吸附态氮、磷污染负荷模数由大到小排序依次为:林地、耕地、建设用地;按行政区域划分,茅草街、青树嘴、乌嘴乡、明山头和河坝镇吸附态氮、磷污染较为严重;按流域划分,五七运河流域、苏河流域、大新河流域、大通湖西入湖区以及草阳渠片区氮、磷污染负荷较大。【结论】大通湖流域土壤侵蚀强度以微度侵蚀为主,耕地是吸附态氮、磷的主要流失来源,对于吸附态氮、磷流失较大的区域,可以按照源头减量、过程拦截、末端治理的思路进行治理。同时适当调整农业种植结构、改进耕作方式、完善水土保持措施,减少土壤流失量,降低吸附态氮、磷污染物对水体的直接影响。


    [Purposes] The water quality of Datong Lake has been in Class three or below for a long time, and the main pollutants exceeding the standard are total nitrogen and total phosphorus. By estimating pollution loads of absorbed nitrogen and phosphorus in Datong Lake basin, it provides a scientific basis for water environment management and protection in Datong Lake area. [Methods] The study used the modified general soil erosion equation, coupled with the adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollution loads model to estimate the adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollution loads in the study area, focusing on analyzing the spatial distribution characteristics of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in the Datong Lake Basin. [Findings] The model calculation results showed that in 2020, the total soil erosion in Datong Lake Basin was 4804.8 t, the average soil erosion modulus was 5.20 t/(km2·a), the adsorption nitrogen and phosphorus loads were 4.943 t and 2.098 t, respectively. According to the adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollution load modulus of each land use type in the basin, the order from large to small is: forest land, cultivated land, construction land. According to the administrative area, Maocaojie, Qingshuzui, Wuzui, Mingshandou and Heba Town adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollution were more serious; The load of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in the Wuqi Canal basin, the Suhe River basin, the Daxin River basin, the Datong Lake West into the lake area, and the Caoyang Canal area are larger. [Conclusions] The soil erosion intensity in the Datong Lake basin is mainly slight erosion, and cultivated land is the main source of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus loss. For areas with large loss of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus, it can be controlled according to the ideas of source reduction, process interception, and end-treatment. At the same time, the agricultural planting structure should be adjusted appropriately, the farming methods should be improved, and the soil and water conservation measures should be improved to reduce the soil loss and reduce the direct impact of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants on the water bodies.


HU Guohua, HUANG Kuan, LIU Rui, et al. Estimation of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus load in Datong Lake Basin based on soil loss equation[J]. Journal of Changsha University of Science & Technology (Natural Science),2023,20(4):64-75.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-11-24
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-09-26
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